Aspire to reach new heights of performance for "Transactors".

Here you will find content that inspires and enables the evolution of these two professions, their relationships, mindset, and leadership approaches to the buy-sell process.

Through a series of blogs, interviews, and other insights, you will gain a better understanding of the realities of the dealings with the person across the negotiating table from you while gaining perspectives on how to best engage others within your own organization.

The Goal: To provide tools that will help the buy-sell process migrate from competitive to synergistic.

"BUYERSPEAK" *definition*

  1. / buyer-speak /

The language that a buyer makes use of within their company, industry, profession, and within the act of performing their duties within the profession of procurement, no matter where they reside on the spectrum.

  1. / buyer's peak /

The state where a professional in procurement reaches the height of performance for their respective industry, specialty, area of thought leadership, or other definitions of success as defined by the circumstances they are addressing.


Through the content within the pages of this site, you will get a holistic perspective that will change your perception, leading you to increased performance. This will include, both sides of a negotiation or transaction (sales and procurement) but also the upstream and downstream functions that support those people facing each other across the table (sourcing analysts, eCommerce leads, customer experience representatives, sales operations, contract coordinators, and others).


"Transactors" - What are they and are they effective?

Salespeople on a Continuum

Procurement People on a Continuum

Buyers are Sellers in Denial